130 Safes Help 525 Employment 525 Employment 525 Employment STAR and NIWS Quitk-Action WANT ADS, Friday, July 35, 1980 550 Safes Help C4 525 Employment 641 Auction Sale 617 Travel Trailers, Campers PROFESSIONAL JULY 28th ft 27th OVER SlOQOQO.QQ i COOKS Experienced only, all shifts, full and part-time positions, top pay, good benefits, including company paid health insurance and 1 week paid vacation after first year. In person: jojo's Restaurant 2544 S. Lynhurst and 9106 Wesleyan Rd, Indianapolis 1 Equal Opportunity Employer ENGINEER Large Fortune 500 Corporation seeking an Individual to design-descrete circuits lor the deflection system and power supply of color television receivers. Utilizes computer terminal to access minicomputer In order to test, analyze and predict circuit performance. Successful candidate will have ability to operate oscilloscopes, function generators, network analyzers, digital LCR bridges arid high voltage meters.
Benefits include an income savings plan, medical, health and life insurance plans, retirement plan and a tuition loan and refund program. Experience: Three years Electrical Engineering experience In the TV Industry. Education: Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering. Salary: $23,000 40 hour work week Qualified applicants should apply to any office of the Indiana Employment Security TOM O'BRIEN OOTIIJl To newt tha buyar the pwohaaa of tha tight car tor roa naada and wanta at raaaonaofa pnca. tlCHJIMMINTti A background in oonaumer aalee ba ruDplj.
but pravloua cat etpenenoe not nocaqaary. howevar yau muat hava htgh moral atandarda. aggraaatva and amoaraty mtaraalad in outlomer aanataclnn. BINiriTSt Paid vacation, raw ear damonotralor opportunity to aam an analianl income, piu, oavetue with a growing Hrm. Apply In Person to Pav WaHS, New Cr SaU Manofar 10 aim-12 nooni 2 pm-4 pm NOON ALL SHOWS.
-C Tom NORTHSI0E CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ES102 N. Keystone Av. Apply In person No Phone NEW CAR SALES Must be exoerienced EVEN 1 1000.O0 ITEMS From MolOeTycloi to Wostani to Records and Stotvos and wot Goto ALL BRAND NEW COMMERCIAL CASUALTY UNDERWRITER (Jynamic, aggressive company seeking candidate minimum 2-3 years underwriting experience tor commercial casualty underwriting position. Good opportunity to Improve skills in large accounts, self insured retention and retro's. Degree or equivalent experience required, To apply, send resume in confidence to: ftolph Coopetf PROTECTIVE INSURANCE CO.
3100 N. Meridian StrMt Indianapolis, It 46208 i Plenty of traffic. Training program. Full benefit' package. The best pay in town! Only experienced 4 neea appiy.
or call SALES REPRESENTATIVES American Automobile Assoc. The AAA Hoosler Motor Club Is building sales force and offers outstanding opportunities to join top notch organization. Casualty Insurance backgrounds preferred. New and Renewal commission on Membership and Insurance. Excellent future for right Individual.
Only ambitious, willing workers need apply: Call 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for appt. AAA H00SIER MOTOR CLUB 2525 E. 56th St Phone 259-4461 Herb Dickey, Asst.
their data processing siarr. musi oe arae -J to assist in new systems design, perform detailed program design, coding, testing and documentation. Min. 4 years expert- VnnuikiHnil nl PIPCJ anH Ct ICUUIIGU. miuniwy, www MR.
CRAWFORD 633-1294 Equal Opportunity TAFA MetaBaalton la ona tha laadmg manufacturara of matal arc apray aqupmant and la growng at a laal rata. Speoflcaay wa ara looking lor a young aggrmarya manuracturars rapraaantaM to, handla our tina ot aqupmant in tha InrMna. Mmott area Ojr pnmary market aagmant tot tha matal apray aqupmant a prototype mold makmg. angjnaanng redamabon of easting industrial rnacninary and metal spray ervetdng tor the bueineee machine field. you hava wmetiencs any ot tha above folds wo wouM ba Interested to talk with you Wa be triteiviermg In tha Indpls.
area st tha near future. Please send resume and Hat of currant represented knee. Please can Leon Grant or Flay Unger to arrange an spoortment. TAFA Metssaatan Dow Bow, New Hampshire. 03301.
603-224-9585. I a- Contact Betty Mahan at S46-4724 RESORTS CONDOMINIUMS INTERNATIONAL UlUMwMkM MECHANIC We are a very well established Shell Service Center in the northern Indianapolis area and are currently in need of a qualified auto mechanic. WE OFFER 1. Good weekly salary plus commissions 2. Permanent employment 3.
Well equipped shop 4. Paid vacation (aft. 1st yr.) 5. Very enjoyable working conditions For more specific information and to set up an interview, call Rick Gaston at 283-8964. HALF-SIZE DEPARTMENT MANAGER Our Women's World Half size Deportment is in need of a mature individual with a strong management and sales background.
This is a challenging position with high enumeration. No nights or Sundays. Apply in person: MORRISON'S DOWNTOWN An Equal Opporturrty Employer METALLURGIST I Looking for experienced Metallurgist in I I heat treating processes. Quality control and laboratory experience also desir- I I able. I I Contact Jak or Dick Mattson, Quality Steel treating Co.
3860 Prospoct Indianapolis, In 46203 647 Auction Mn TIL 9pm BIDS KESFFSE AT it 334 631 Clothing, Jewelry BUYING TODAY -GOLD SILVER MORE CASH THAN EVER BEFORE NEW WESTSIDE GALLERY PAYING TOP PRICES IN AREA FOR ANY JEWELRY AND COINS. OPEN DAIJ.Y, 10-4; 12-5 bone. Jewelry Coin 299-7580 347 n. Moller Rd. 38th 4 Moller Rd.
Dealers Welcome WE BUY ANY GOLD ITEMS "Specializing in Class Rings" SELL TO THE KING QUEEN OF MEN'S CLASS RINGS EXTRA LARGE $65 UP LARGE $55 UP MEDIUM GOLD MINE 3214 E. MICHIGAN 635-6661 GOLD DEN GRAND OPENING HIGHEST PRICES IN TOWN FOR GOLD SILVER Class Rings, tNeckloces, Watches. Dental Gold, Custom Jewelry. Wedding Bands, Scrap Silverware, Gold Silver Coins. Class Rings Fr ACCORDING TO SIZE Open 5 Days 9om-9p, Open Sot-Sun 93pm 4008 New York ST 356-8584 IMMEDIATE CASH PAID! DIAMONDS ViCT.
-of face value. Pre 1934 Silver 113 SO ea uo. 1965-'0 Halves si 90 ea 10K Cold S9 per dwt SII0 per oi. 14K Gold 114 per per oz. Sterling Silver si I per ot.
PRICES NEGOTIABLE ON LARGE LOTS PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGE Casllelon Souare Coin Shop, 6020 SI. Indv. 46250. Ph 317-549-6890. BUYING GOLD SILVER IN ANY FORM CASH Class rings Diamonds Bracelets Watches Wedding rings Chains Sterling Etc.
We also seH these (terns at very low prices CITY MARKET GOLD DIAMOND EXCHG. 636-8251 Located inside Citv Market BUY SILVER DOLLARS SELL Acton Coin Shoo 862-414? INSTANT CASH Too DCHlar for Gold Silver and Sterling, BROAD RIPPLE COIN SHOP, located in Broad Ripote Sport Shoo, 2S3-3S25 CASH BUYING SELLING COINS Buying all types of gold, silver, waiches, rings, sterling, antiques and collectibles Latavette Suuare Coin Shoo 291-9901 COINS Too price oa'd tor Gold Silver CALL 786 7610 tor latest quotes. SILVER COINS for sale. 356-8517 from 9AM-3PM 100 SILVER DOLLARS, I7X 356-8517, 9am-3pm SPETDWA COIN SHOP 1538 MAIN ST 241-5 US WESTSIDE COINS 9999 Washington, 8J9-4953 I IWIIWII hLlJ I 605 Miscellaneous Items A HUGE earage sale. Antiques.
collet i ibin, furniture, misc. iiamc linn'l mitt this onal Thurs, Fri, Sal Sun. I33 Crawfordsville Rd behind Texaco Mia f.Araua Sale. July 24-27. vam-Bpm, 1 dlneiie sets, elec guitar, dthwshr, water skis, alec ClOinOS, onilil, nnivvt), fovs, records 'oes, boons ani kOH OT miSC.
Itv Vjifnam, BIG GARAGE Sale, Sat, July 2ih y-6pm, 31 ij a Dawson st. BIG MOVING SALE 406 E. Cragmont Dr, Frl Sat, 2bth ft 7h. Furn, clothing, glassware, ton everyining. Close out Hie frtoiers, work benches, oanry items 354-1774, Crawfordsville KOA Kamp Ground 100 Latavetfe Rd Crawfordsville.
Flea Market Sat juiy ie.aun a-. jtv-jaz-eiyu. ESTATE SALE Antloue cfiBt.li. labln. thnlrt mirrors, fine china, silver, dining set, many household Items.
1494 penn. at t-n juty nm only, t-. no trariy aw, For Sale SALVAGE FREIGHT 1096 gallons inter, paint, assorted cotors. lau 9 to ju, GARAGE SALE I SAT 3131 Kessier Blvd. unfinished redwood oun rame top, record oiaver fovs.
oamet. records, chair, ta bles, men's leather coat, jacket ctoines, misc. GARAGE SALE: 729 Round Hill Rd. Approximately Spring Mill Rd 1st sr.) Thursday Friday. Clothing, Jewelry, patio accessories, toys, misc.
GARAGE SALE 6111 29th Place, Speedway, July 25 26 GARAGE SALE cllhng House hold items, avon collection from any iv J4 1 Muinwest ur July 73rd-July 26in. GARAGE SALE-Furniture. fools, sports eouio, odds and ends, eiectnc motors Fri V-Z. 5BIU bOV ACOUT KO GARAGE SALE: SI IS English Ave.Sal: 126, 9m-4pm. Baby items, doming, nousenoig items, misc.
GARAGE SALE- July 26 27, 7 am lo pm, 7143 Hiner Lane, famines, asi sioe GARAGE SALE, baby clothes lots ot misc. items. SI26 Guion Rd. Fn-Mon. GARAGE SALE, 313B Fuller or, camping items, furniture, misc.
6-6 wed thru FN. GARAGE SALE general items. Tti-Fr. 1421 Maynard or GARAGE SALE THURSDAY- FRIDAY 1579 GALE. GARAGE SALE- Frl Sun, 9 to hji wonierey Lawrence GREAT GARAGE SALE: 610 Teton Trail, Meridian Woods, Fri only.
HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT Reesonabte-Ciav Adams centri tuges M0 1 303, Rotating touriouet, uses streicrter oeos. Kidney 01a-lizers, manual youth beds, stain less steel ware, stainless steel baby beds etc. Zi9-m9-4i47 an 5. HOUSE SALE Antiques and primitives and household Items. Sat July 76 only, B-iV verdm, tjaxianoon, ing.
LARGE Multi Family Garage sale, sat, July Z6in, loam tin Brendonwav Apts, Field behind guardhouse. E.56tn st at 465. Ram date Aug. 2nd. Large swing gym set, never used, t5, ZW-ZJ55 LEADED windows.
wooden frames; din rm chesr ml beveled mirror. 257-7968. MISC SALE Droo leaf formica top tbt. 4 civs. 3440 Congress MOVING Out Of Slate.
1118 Keamo. Furn, tvs. ladders, car, truck, lots of misc. 9-6pm, inurs, Fri, sat. MOVING SALE-JulV 26 9-5, 27th 10-5 aoollas.
car. furniture. 2824 uuesiena a. uk MOVING Big Yard Sale July 24 25-26, 8am-? 331 Walcott. MOVING SALE, bed, coffee ta- pie 1.
rug, can evens MOVING SALE -Living Room Bedroom Furniture. J5-J665 Neighborhood Sale starling 2836 16th, 8, 3 other houses Fn Sat Ju Iv 75-76 BAM-5PM antique cabinet bed, lots misc. New Oining car table tops w- enrome stano s.su complete. 359-7507 PATIO SALE. Sat Onlv.
Julv 26. 9am-7pm, 7238 Township Line Aot Wrought iron patio set, electric race sets, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, clothes, toys, lots of misc. PATIO SALE 2121 Country Club Rd, (8300 Thurs 8, Fri. Von Access, bicycles, much misc PATIO SALE: 3910 Blvd 9-5 Fri. Sat PORCH YARD SALE 3155 New Jersey.
Sat am -6pm clothes. Th-Sa. Starts 7am. 85V Eastern Ave RAILROAD SALVAGE ANGELO'S, INC. 201 S.
COLLEGE 24 oz Cokes, 7-Uo Pepsi $5 .90 case 24 12 MeHow Yellow $5.00 case French Fries 204 Bologna 75 ft) Ladies bras St 00 ea Maxwell House 8, Chase Sand hnrn roHee 75 lb 10 at suoar added kooi Aid sz.ud 3 oi jeno 20t box. SArRIFirF Books. Ill vol- umes, impressive library, $150 or best offer 244-5828 STERLING SILVER Flatware, 5 dc place settings some serv ing pieces. Carillon bv Lunl, will sell for a fraction over the cost of 1 place setting. YARD SALE -Sat.
Sun. 9am til dark, 3501 Brookside Pkwy b. Dr. Across from Brookside Park Community Center. Many Misc.
Items. Plates, Bottles, Carpels, Chairs, Love Seat, Radios, Bicycles, Pictures, Paintings, Stereo Console, Books, Lamps, etc. HUGE YARD SALE 3140 N. MERIDIAN Sun Julv 27, 9-6om Anfq, Cod, Houswa, peds-sink rugs, wick furn, and misc. 609 Store, Tavern Equipment Portable walk-in.
drive-in cooler, 25' 30' 12' high, overhead door walk-in door, 2 refng units, (working), S4900, Travel Trailers, Campers COACHMAN 923-5700 70MPr. TOYOTA Motor Homes. Trurk Camoers for Mini Trucks Call FUN VfcHllLfcS nucttmnn self conl. AC awning, stereo, TV antenna. A-l cond, 1-317-778-7254.
rr NFW Kh Wheel Closeout SAVE THOUSANDS 247-5571 '71 iMvrn Fold out Hard Too camoer, sleeps 8, S600. 862-2058 72 WINNEBAGO Chieftain 27', fully equipped, exc cond, reas. 75 ARGOSY 26ft. Loaded. sharp, also low vehicle.
839-6511 76 Ford Turtle Top camper. sleeps 4, stove oven never used, sink, refg, gas Mr, table, storage closet. S2000. 637-7988. 873-2379 eves '76 GMC Glennbrook, exc cond, incl new set radial tires 122.500, 219-279-7585 bet 9-4pm '77 33ft I B.
Apollo exc S2B.500 644-2163 OT 644-3626. '77 COACHMAN Motor Home, exc cond, comol loaded, tow mi, 1 owner, 812-466-4587. '77 SURVEYOR 31' motor home. like new, 9000mi, $23,500. Will trade or help finance.
All luxury equip! 773-8989, 844-IflflU '77 Vogue. 35ft, Tag axle. Microwave, icemaker, irash comp, 9 MPG, Micheiins, Exc cond, the ultimate, list $45,900, sell 134,900. Will consider trade for sma Iter unit. 317-564-3345.
'78 36' Vega 51 Whl, fully loaded, air-awning, stereo tape Extra sharp. Must see 881-8433. '79 25' Pace Arrow, fully loaded. Chevy 454. gen-dual root airs, auto air, 881-7670 '79 26' Terry bunkhouse, air-awning, Used 3 limes, like new.
BIG SAVINGS. 881-8433. '79 ROCKWOOD pop-up. Sleeps 6, stove, retg, sink, self cont, like new, $1800. 271-8291 'BQ'-j ALLEGRO Motorhomes in Stock 27 ctr bath 247-5571 MOTOR HOME RENTAL 787-6909 ABSOLUTE ELEGANCE Rent '78 GMC Motorhome.
873-4701. BUY-SELL -TRADE FOR ANYTHING DISCOUNT RV 9825 Washington, 839-6511 BUYERS Waiting lor Used RV's. Let Tom Raoer RV's, Rtchmond, Ind. Sell Yours! 1-966-8361 CLOSEOUT ON 1980 SCOTTYS 1977 Terry 23tl AC Loe awn 1977 Trophy 24ft skvlounge LAGLE 7300 WASH COLEMAN Getlsberger '78, sleep 6, used 9 times, very nice, new cond. $2200 784-2856 Drive A Little Save A Lot COLEMAN CAMPING TRAILERS Priced From 12195 IT L-DO GASTON 317-358 3633 FOR RENT 26 ft Motor Home Call after 5, 849-5547 Lafayette Travel Trailer Holiday Ramblers and Loacn-man, Hwy 1-65 al SI.
Rd, 25, Lafayette, ind 317-423-5353 SALESPEOPLE E2 O'Brien PENNSYLVANIA LIFE CaU For Interview 253-3374 SALES AGENT HOSPITAL SUPPLIES Leeding national manufacturer of bedding and related loam product! has an immediate opening for experienced sales agent Must be calling on ihe hospital trade actively now. Excellent eommliifon. protected ternontv Send resume to STAR (, NEWS Box N-15Z SALES CONSULTANTS 2421 Willowbrook Pkwv 257-M11 Licensed Employment Agency SALES OPPORTUNITIES 5750 W. 85TH ST 299-0722 Licensed Employment Agency SALES TRAINEE, up to tU.OOO salary Donus tor applicant to represent corpora! ion. Est resr dent.
No travel. AH replies strict Iv. confidential. Send brief resume Box N1330 Star and News. Sales Commission PROFESSIONALS ONLY NO PROSPECTING 5 aopts per day work hours per day $500 advance per week 5 mo mgr program for those who Qualify Enroll working union and credit union members in a union sponsored savinos.
retirement and insurance program. We have no turn over in man power. Lifetime vested renewals, paid hospitalization plus bonuses and extras. Invest in yourself. Call 7S1-45I1.
Immediate opening for salesgirl, salary opened, BabvWorld 'N Teens, Castieton. 842-7172 SALESPERSON-Experlenced Opening for sales person to work full lime to sale screen process ing and signage. Call for ar appointment 897-3063. SELLING IF SELLING IS YOUR GAME, SELL FOR A WINNER Earn S3S.000-SSO.000 Veer Well-known money savins home product geared to today's economy needs. DOUBLE VERIFIED APPOINTMENTS with families who hava asked tor you lo come and see them.
For appointment. call S46-SZI. SNELLING SNELLING Licensed Employment Aoencv 107 N. Penn. 634-MM TELEPHONE PRO'S 848-2423 Two experienced sales persons needed.
Must be willing to travel Indiana and nave own transportation. Hioh commission basis only. Send resume to RR 11 Sox gj. coiumous, IN zui VIKING SAUNA Sales Manager needed to develop leisure products in Indianapolis area. Background in construction desired.
Send resume only to 290 Gradle Drive, Carmel IN 46032. WHOLESALE FOOD SALES Local food brokerage firm is interviewing for a wholesale sates position. Only experienced person with direct or brokers sales background need apply. Excellent growth opportunity, good salary, profit sharing and bonus program, and full benefits. (All applications held in strictest confidence.) Send resume to Star and News Box N-IS1I 551 Instruction; Schools A BETTER FUTURE TRUCK DRIVER ANO HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Short training programs.
Nation- wide iob placement assistance. Full and part lime training. We are one ot Ihe largest schools the country in these two programs. Tuition financing available. Fully accredited member of N.H.S.C.
(AC0I63) Call tor info Superior Training Services 2441 Production Or 317-247-7351 Indianapolis, IN ACT NOW-enroii for college lev el INTERIOR DESIGN classes-dav or evening. (AC1034) John Robert powers Scnoo 7 n. Meridian, brt-wvi. ADDITIONAL INCOME needed? Teachers needed ai busy timsh- school-oart time. Call 635- 1212, John Robert Powers School.
ART CLASSES-Dav or eve-all lev els-ART ORIGINALS at 141 N. Meridian. 636-1901. AUTO DIESEL TRAINING LINCOLN TECHNICAL INST 1201 Stadium Dr. AC0102 632-5553 BARBER STYLIST Nat'l Barber Slvlist College 201 S.
Meridian 634-6950 REAL ESTATE Courses lo ob- am Real Estate Lie. Appd by nd Real Estate Commission. Visa. MasterCard ovmt olan. ac cepted.
Nick Sanders Real Estate Seminars, 352-1636 AC0055, 601 Store Fixtures, Business Equipment 2hP Copeiand Compressor, single phase wevaporalor coil and control panel for freezer, 3yrs pld, cost S3.000. 1750 or best otter. ian 2ty-aj-jia dct noon. BIG INVENTORY SALE Super Prices on New Equip, Counter Frvers, Mixers, Ice Cream Machine, Shake Machine, Dishwashers, Sinks MANY MANY MORE ITEMS WILLOUGHBY SHEET METAL 2210 Morns 6JB-ZJ8I ICE MAKER large flaker. used 3mos.
S1795, 849-6200. Record store fixtures, cash rnuniers. etc. Low or tea Contact Bob Swan 632-4116. 605 Miscellaneous Items 10-Familv Sale.
2201 W. 79tn, Wed-Fri, clothes, desk, crpt. 200 maple chairs, 120 for male's Chairs, s5-capiain tnaira, maple wood, 6500 Emerson 783-7831 21 Oak Chairs, Ideal tor dav care center. 547-8501 aft 6pm 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Child's 3 Piece wood kitchen set, water skis, stereo, clolhes, mucn misc. Julv 25-26, 9em-6om.
9512 Mud Creek Kd. Nr ueisi 30 GAL WTR HTRS $39 95 AMER HDW 1018 VA, 637-07V 7 alum comb storm Windows, 1199 Deluxe 10 window order, includes storm poor. a4v-jjj. BIG GARAGE SALE, July 24 25, open 8-6 3001 Richard! -H mi NEW 1980 TITAN MOTOR HOME Deluxe In every way, generator, roof air, all steel construction. Full carpet with pad, cruise con-frol, tilt wheel, trailer hitch, 80 gal, gat capacity, spare tire, wheel and cover, generator control panel, roof rack and ladder, 3-wav refrigerator, TV antenna, monitor panel, deluxe decor with roman drapes, chrome mirrors, digital wail clock, aux.
12 volt rear heater, folding tub enclosure, electric drivers exit door, sleeps up to a. Retail Price This Week Only 864 Troveland 5601 Madison 788-4484 Open Daily Till 9:00 Vaari In ihIimm with Camalata Sarvlca Davart-mat Wa Will ia Kara Ta Sarvlca Yau Nail Taar CRUISE AIR Motor Home "2 '90 25' Crulta Air, Oodga 440, Orlvar'i antranct door, crulsa, atarao, 2 dr. 4,000 watt 13,500 BTU, roof air, monitor svstam, roof rack laddar, Aux. fuel, (pare tire. TV antenna.
Test drive today) Rat. ark ttMTt I only SALE PRICf $19,593 We want your trade-Ins now! TV thru 33' models available. We want your business Lat us show you we caret STOUT'S RV SALES 760 US 31 North Greenwood, IN 46142 317-881-7670 We ara here te serve Hundreds To Choose From SALE PRICES TOM RAPER RV'S Ind 4 Ohio's at RV Dealer 1-70 to Exit 14VA. S. I ml.
Richmond. Ind. 317-964-4361 Ooen Til a. Sat. Til Closed Sun.
GIVE THAT RV, Camoer, Van or Boa) a New Look, with custom made Curtains or Cush ions. For additional information call Ult 75I-5I5U. MOTOR HOME RENTAL TRAVELANO 718-4484 MOTOR HOME FOR RENT 259-7795 MOTORHOME RENTAL 839-6511 MINI MOTOR HOMES NEW TEC MINI HOME Ford Chasis-Oual battery svs lem, 3 way 6' Refer-spore tire ki li wheel, orivacv draoes. double stainless sink, fully self contained, rear bath mode RETAIL PRICE S15.830 THIS WEEK ONLY SI1.2I2 IKAVtLAnU 5601 MAOISON AVE 788-4484 PICKETT'S HI-LO 7125 Mendenhall Rd 856-3100 Closed on Wednesdays. RENT A MOTORHOME 291-2911 RENT MOTOR HOMES Wide Seleclion-Lowest Rate Owners Rntl Exchange 359-2000 Ren! motor home, S22S wk.
Eta a mile, 744-BH6 or em-bum RENT PACE ARROW molorhorne 25. 535-7368. SMALL Travel trailer, 1 owner, sleeps 6, etra cln. 1785. 783-6038 TO SETTLE ESTATE AIRSTREAM '77 31' Sov Of Rd.
air dbl zip dee awnings, bids accepted, can Jonn 4-aat Trailer camper, refg, stove. toilet, A-l COnd, 74-08b USED TRAVEL TRAILERS FROM $995.00 B8.B TR AVELAND 5601 MADISON AVE 768-4484 Want '70-71 V.W. Campmobile pop -Top, pd cona, zsi-bw. WHY BUY? RENT FROM US 1979 COBRA 357-6459 WILL PAY CASH Travel trailers, motor homes, mini homes. 5th wheels.
Will get you loo dollar for your kv. bhi 7670, STOUT'S RV SALES. 619 Sports, Outdoor Equipment 7' Pool Table, Sears Family Style, aH accessories, cherry wood wall rack, S200 or best. 745-7016 alt 6pm wkends. BRUNSWICK POOL TABLES NEW-USED 255-8682 LOOK AT THE REST BUY THE BEST! Don't be fooled by imitations BASKETBALL GOALPOSTS SWINGS.
T-POSTS, SQUARE TUBING ANO PIPE GOLDSMITH StfcbL PKOD 4300 W. 10th St. 241-8244 Pool Tbl Sale on '79 models fir samoles. 9-9. 7 davs 243-0046.
620 Gum, Hunting Equipment AIR GUN TOURNAMENT. July 26. Adults, irs. Info 897-5548 HY DRO MEC loader 12 ga 20 ga. Quick change connechon.
Compt with all dies. Firm S400. 353-0937. RAVEN ARMS 25 aulo, $55. CHARTER ARMS Undercover.
5135 271-4040. 623 Bicycles Matthews ScMwmn 7272 Peno Pk Garelli Moped mi oer Lai Puch-Trades-Terms S-17-3456 627 Boats, Fishing, Equipment Aluminum Boat. trailer. S695, 898-9676. 15' Mutineer Sail Boat trailer cover, 11650.
344-4782. 15' STARCRAFT. 50 ho. trailer boat accessories, 11300, 2992355 17' Inboard. Crusader 4cvl SS00.
291-6838 Glasoar ooen bow. 140HP IO, excellent cond. full canvas. lOW hours. SJ5U.
S45-4IU Cruiser, model 210, w105 HP canvas. S340C, 925-8175, 638-6441 T-BIRD Tri-hull, ISO HP Johoson. trlr, full cover 8, top. 1978 excel cond. 844-56JJ.
toon D.ur.CB mul.n classic, 115 Merc, tultv rigged, custom frailer, cover, pert cond, less than 10 hrs use. 1-628-2179 1980 SEA RAY 192 open Dow runabout with 170 HP mer- cruiser and EZ loader trailer. special price 19JV5. Ail other 1980 SEA RAY prices are cut to ihe keel. Mon, Wed Frl, 'til 9 Tues Thurs.
'til 6 Sal Sun. 'til 4 E. 3Bth S4S-2203 20' C-SCOW Sail Boat wlrailer, liberglaw, H6Q0 773-4269. 73' Loneslar Southwind Fiberglass runabout. Twin HO HP 10, conv top.
road cover and Irlr Al I7lt Chris Craft. 210HP. I90hrs, perf, 219-795-3741 l-S. 70 I6M Larson, open bow. In hull, 80HP.
Verc. Tilt trlr. recover, gd fish-ski boat, S16S0, 7B4-513B. 71 17tt Larson. 12bMP Irlr, gd cond.
S219S, Carmel B48-1VIH it 4om, TRUCK PEOPLE in some field of sales. Don Donaldsons international travel currently expanding SUPERVISOR MANAGER Applications are now being taken for management positions in self- service gasoline market. Excellent salaries and benefits. Pre vious sett -service experience plus, interviews to be he'd Jutv 24. 75 8.
26. Send letter resume to Star and News Box N-14J. TELEPHONE OPPORTUNITY I 3512 Rockville Rd Wot Mon thru Frl. $4.25 to $8.00 HOUR Depending on safes production -On the iob training Producers advance within i davs -Paid vacation 8 holidays Call 241-6811 or come to Suite C-121. TELEVISION TECHNICIAN Min.
3vrs exp. Both bench 4 field. Mutt haw own vehicle. Com pany will buy gas. Salary $1200 per mo.
to start pd medical dental insur Please call Jeff Davis 926-2343 TELLERS Part time teller position open for qualified persons. Training period with pay. Apply In oerson. Peoples Bank 8 Trust Co, 130 E. Market SI, Equal Opportunity Employer.
635-5222. TOOL DiE MAKER, SURFACE GRINDER OPERATOR EXPERIENCED ONLY. Precision Products 887-1852 TRAINEE. Person to learn fabrication of artificial limbs. 1901 Capitol Ave.
Transportation Billing Clerk. Sm growing trucking-distribution firm seeks a part time billing clerk to work nights (BM34 experience, will be given consideration. Must be dependable as position will become full time. S4.00hr aft 60 Experienced Bus Lines Ticketing and Baggage Agents. Experience or travel agency oriented.
Resume to PO Box 44664, Indpls. IN, 46204. Attn. J. P.
Jones. TRUCK DRIVER Deliveries only. Good pav and fringe benefits. Must be experienced and have chauffers license. Hours ore approx.
11PM to 7AM. Neat appearance. No phone calls. ROSELYN BAKERIES, INC. 2425 E.
30th STREET Low Boy Driver lo move construction machinery. Must be experienced in loading and unloading equipment. Mon-Frf, 8AM-4PM. 773-3262. TRUCKERS Local owner-operators needed wiih late model tractors to pull company 45 ft vans.
Call 247-1521. TV TECHNICIAN Licensed bench man, must know solid stale Call Hawthorn TV, 7120 N. Graham Rd. H4v-jsz. TYPIST-TOP PAY Temporary 842-5191 TYPISTS FEE PAID Alt America 639-5427 Licensed Employment Agency UPHOLSTERS Experienced.
Apply 546-5818 VPTPPIN40V ASSISTANT for clinic on south side. 30 to 40 hrs per week, must be responsible Send information lo: Indianapolis Slar News, Box N-1S46 RAZZ-MA-TAZZ, 34th High School Rd now hiring waitresses. Inquire 4-7pm, Mon-Sat. fOOD COCKTAIL WAITRESSES WaH Street, The Exchange Uncle Munchies is seeking full and part time. Food Cocktail Waitresses, day or evening hours available.
Apply in person, A3 16 E. 82nd, 849-6262. FULL TIME WAITRESSES eves. Taking applications 11am-6om. The Bulldog Lounge, 5380 college.
WAREHOUSE CD) TEMPORARY SERVICES M2-I7SI 259-7919 EOE MF WELDER Electric and acvlelens. 24-9097 WELDERS Must have experience in pipe welding andor boiler repair. Call 634-9494 Mon-Fri 8am-4om. Whiteside, Sanderson ft Assoc. Smie 107.
107 N. Penn Licensed Employment Agency WINDOW INSTALLLERS. Esper with metal and wood. Must have own transp. Caretrea Home Improvements, Call Russell Burgess.
B3I-76S9, 9 5. WORD PROCESSING Redaclrori-Wang-Mag Card Lanier. Temporary, 635-1526 NORTH Or IM0PIS.0N I-S5 627 Boats, Fishing, Equipment TED'S 46C0S BtJf Rd. 77 Century Cortex cutty cabin, 188 IO, S6950, 293-7591 eft 6. '78 19ft Monte Craft boat 115hso Evenrude eng J4000 839-7458.
'78 CHRYS. 14' Sailboat, Irtr, ec cond. J975 255-5471 353-8211 '78 HYDRA-SPORT fish and ski model, '78 150 Mercury Molor, '78 trailer, many accessories.1 J55O0 tirm. 219-965-4330 ott 5:30 78 SEARAY. 26' 260 10.
E-Z load, depth finder, galley, road cover, stereo, marine radio, grill, 100 hours, slip at Monroe, excel, cond. S18.000. 773-5193 '79 Century 5000, like new, 260HP 10, Cuddy cabin, w-cusl Irlr. $14,500. 769-6542.
'79 Glassline bass boat wtrtr, blue, 50 hp Merc, trolling mtr, deolhfinders, live well S4500. 354-, 0110 davs. 842-S434 nile '79 Skeeter slartire Bass boat slvr and Blue Metal tlake 150 HP Evinrude. silver trail trailer 2 towrence locators Vexilar TV sonar, listed S1925 Ram charger trolling motor, full extras. Worth 113.000 asking S7950.
784-1740 BOAT COVERS 14'-I8' DOWNTOWN SURPLUS 6028 21st 356-0858 Open M-W-F 9-8 T-TH-S 9-6 BOATMATE DOCKS MFG Lifetime Floating Docks where exper. works lor you. 842-6077 CATALINA 22 SAILBOAT sleeos 5. fully eauipped, new in '78, used 20 times, dry storage. Pop top cabin, retractable keel, 5HP eng 317-873-6716 CHARLIE'S SKIING BOAT RENTAL SERVICE.
19- boat S30per person for 6hrs. 638-4494. DYNATRAK EBBTIDE SUNLINE RENKEN POLARCRAFT DECKCRAFT SKEETER BASS BOATS BASS PRO HEADQUARTERS The 1981 Skeeter Bass Boats are On Their Way All the popular models including I the t-isn and Play Be sure to shoo US Before You Pav' AN INFLATED PRICE REMEMBER BEAT INFLATION BUY HERE Lower Than A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y WE NEED BOATS We buv or sell on consionmenl good used boats. If you have a boat vou want to sell, lei us sell il for vou. We have been selling Ooats tike vou wouidn Deiieve.
THERE IS A REASON AAA Johnson Dealershio Johnson, Evinrude, OMC, Merc cruisers, service welcome. Mon-Wed-Fri 9am-Bpm Tues Thurs. vam-6pm Sat Sun. til 6om 734 S. Franklin Rd.
352-1456 MARINETTES Plate Aluminum live-aboard cruisers and Yachts. The best constructed boat with minimum1 upkeep and fuel consumption. Limited allocation oer dealer. Always over 30 boats on Uis-Dlav SPECIAL: Pres 4V YACHT, Only 105 hrs. Reduced to wju uot low uon at Bank.
MOORAGE avail on beautiful historic Ohio River. 64 mi's from (he Circle. Open 7 davs, Indiana's oldest and laroesl facility MADISON MARINA, 1200 2nd St. Madison, IN. 47250, 6 12-265 5285.
indpls 632-7420 NEW 12 FT semi V-boMom Ironing motor S275. 241-1803. PACESHIP 23 Sailboat S8500, 888-0584, Will consider small boar olus cash. SAILBOAT 16ft Slarcraft Day sailor trailer, main and lib sail, gd cond, S1375. 773-33 SAILBOATS, INC.
Hobie Cat, Surrfish, San Juan Calalina. Snarfc. Force 5, more Ooen 7 davs Financing Available iu win. n. or i on us ji n.
896-5602 SAILBOATS-Nacra, Hobie, Slar- .6. Aauacat. eawitcn. Challenger, Venture, Clioper, American, Interdyne. Open Eves and Weekends LmcSails 3949 SI Rd 44i Bloominaton 334-8403 SAILORS-I have buyers for vour boat LmcSails 3949 SI Rd 446 Bloominglon 336-84P3 SANTANA 20, full race eouipoed.
4 sails, grt end. SHP motor, w-trlr, 247-4981 eves. SIDEWINDER II' Berkley Jet 455 Olds eng thorobred trailer red metal flake S297S 297-1301 Smitty's Indpls Marine large stock mfg fine lavdown-bass seals-pedeslals-conv tops-boat 8, p-u covers, uph, etc. 547-4535. 631 Clothing, Jewelry 10 to 15 MORE CASH for your gold items.
JW.UU and up for large mens 10K class rings. Also buying Silverplate buy your gas to get here. W. Michigan 632-0074 osk for Ston AUSTRALIAN C0LLECTABLES FOR SALE 13 piece collection of Schrimshaw arl on whales leelh from Auslra-la. Will sell individually.
Must see lo appreciate Also Black While opals Call 8 30 to 5 HM JiTO, BUYING GOLD SILVER IN ANY FORM CASH 8 lass rings tamonds Braceieis Waiches Wedding rings Chains Sterling Etc. We also sell these items at very low prices CITY MARKET GOLD DIAMONO EXCHG. 636-8251 Located inside CiW Market CASH BUYING SELLING COINS Buying all types of gold, silver, waiches. rings, sterling, antiques and collectibles Latavette bauare com snop 291-9901 WE buv for cash make loans on diamonds, shotguns, tvoewr.l-ers, musical instruments, TV's, etc. SHOP SAVE! Dock Bros Jewelry loon 7464 MERIDIAN SI 637-499S WE PAY CASH? For wrecked or basket case mtrcvcles 2117 10th 634-6645.
While Gold diamond solitaire 30 Carai, appraised $595 and insured Asking UOO. 293-0708 i SALES ANO SERVICE REP Local sales and service company seeks representative to call on small and medium size businesses Work 5 day week, no Saturdays or evenings. Salary, comrmsssion and other benefits. If Quailed call 356-6349 for appomlmenl SALESPERSON FULL TIME MILLERSVILLE 5500 N. Emerson 96th Meridian opening for salesperson.
18 years or older. Only those desiring fuH time permanent employment neea apply. For further information, apply in person lo the Pharmacist on diitv DEPENDABLE DRUGS SECY $775 Wo FN Pd. JANICE ASSOC. 42 N.
Peon. 431-3593. Licensed fcmpiovment Agency. CHURCH SECRETARY Pari time 20 hrs wk. Top Secretarial skills, operate standard office equip including memeograph.
Responsibilities include maintaining audio-visual library. Send resume lo Or Ray Marquette, Whitewater Valley Presbviery 4900 38'h St, Indpls 46211. Eoual opportunity employer, CONSTRUCTION SECRETARY Homebuitder seeks secretary with some construction knowledge. Must tvoe 60wpm, be personable and witling to learn estimating, processing and approval of invoices, etc. Good career opportunity for an outgoing, aggressive individual.
Reply to Star News Box N-I463. SECRETARIES With or without shorthand. Victor Temporaries 842-8150 LEGAL SECRETARIES Temporary. Call or come in 9-3. Office skou-'Cc.
iC. S35-15U mt.WmmmS. DOWNTOWN BUSINESS needs proficient typist as typesetter immediately. FuH time. Prefer educational background In English.
Job experience as tvpist helpful. Sense of humor essential. Start $3.75. 638-4011. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (Northside-Casheton) Secretary to president and vice president of mator mortgage banking firm.
Requires professional maturity, excellent skills, and must be attractive with pleasing personality. Only qualified applicants need apply. For additional information please contact: Mr. Sherrill Smith Puller Mortgage assoc. inc.
8604 AHisonville Rd, Suite 109 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Position as secretary to corporate executive. Requires professional maturity, personal flexibility and solid secretarial background. Minimum 100WPM shorthand, 70WPM typing. Excellent begin-ning'salarv, company paid benefits. Only highly qualified need apply.
Send resume to Box NI464 Star ands News. SECRETARY Asst. to Business Manager. Knowledge of bkkpg. helpful.
KEY HLALt Mt I SfcKVILfc 9011 Meridian 8462909 (Wafer Place Park) Licensed Employment Agency SECRETARY Immediate opening for a personable, well organized beginner Secretary. Must be proficient in shorthand and typing. Excellent starting salary with overtime. Regular merit reviews and good benefits. For a personal interview please respond by resume to; Star and News Box N-1430.
SECRETARY Nationwide Engineering firm needs a qualified secretary with 4 or more years experience to work with staff of professional engineers. Requires 70 WPM 90 WPM shorthand Duties include; Typing, filing, dictation, telephone screenings tc. Located in College Park, free parking and excellent fringe benefit program. Salary $5.30 lo J5 4Q per nr. Call Mrs.
Rigsbv, 299-3160. Eoual opportunity employer. SECRETARY Permanent, part lime position for Metropolitan Indianapolis Campus Ministry located at IU-PUI. Lioht typing and filing. Call 264-3585 for aopt.
SECRETARY Tor Director of Marketing Must be good with details and have strong all around skills. Good phone techniques essential. Excellent opportunity for real sharp person. Interviews will be held bv appointment on July 291 h. Please call 924-5163.
wanted mature Exec, sec retary Must type 55-60wpm and take 60wpm shorthand, at least 2vrs exp. Salary range 975-4236, send resume 10 2424 Northwestern, 46208. SECRETARY- All around assistance to small corporation management, good- phone skills, tvp-ing 60 worn, Carmel, 844-0141 SECRETARY-CATERING Prefer food experience Apply to Managers Office, tndptt Athletic Club. 350 Meridian SECRETARY-Lamer exper. Legal helpful.
Temp. Call 635-1546 SECRETARIES TYPISTS CDI TEMPORARY SERVICES 842-1751 EOE 525 Employment X-RAY TECH immediate opening for fuH time X-rav Technologist. Must be reg- isrereo or registry engine, oooa working conditions pleasant surrounding in 6 year old hospital. Salary compeiitive with area hospitals. Some caH and week-end hours.
Call or write Jennings Community Hospital? North Ver non, Indiana, (Biz)346-6zw. $30 Sales Help Licensed Insurance Aoent Hundreds of good agency clients available. 219-232-9991 or after 5 2 19-232-5295 AGGRESSIVE PEOPLE to start in rales with new company nomnina in Indiana 13000 poten tial per monin. ajwava. hours.
ATTENTION Two sales Peos needed fmmedi aleiv. Excellent income potential. National Co. Farm background preferred. 2060 S4th St, Suite ipm to spm.
BUILDING MATERIAL SALES Wanted: Experienced building materials salesperson familiar with lumberyards, home centers and building material yards in Indianapolis and surrounding areas. Must be aggressive and have good references. Excellent opportunity, good benefits. Reply to Star and News Box n-i4. CEMETERY SALES Everybody needs it! 769-4188 ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica Salespeople are among ine nign' est paid salespeople in the world.
in-nome, top comm. wm. ENERGY FUEL SAVINGS Excellent plan for man wanting lo be very successful via hard work. prefer man witn knowledge oi HVAC. Call John Schilling, 638-64 or S42-1956 Sun or eves.
ENTHUSIASTIC Sales Represen tative wanted for growing novelty printwear company. Interested persons forward resume Indpls. Star and News Box THE SHIRT' SHED 219-543-8302. GREAT OPPORTUNITY Business is area! here! Full lime position tor career mmoea Sell company owned real estate and earn top money! Crisp working environment, more leads than you can handle. Best train ing program in America.
Must be emnusiesitc eno oepenaapte. We're in our 19th successful year. Salary plus commission. Call Fred Sacks 632-6563 or apply at 42 Virginia Ave. HEATING AIR COND Salesman, all leads supplied.
Comm. or hourly rale, years exoer- tenee required. Call INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTOR SALES Sales position ooen. Experience necessary. Send resume lo box 41ISJ, inoianapons, in wi.
INSIDE SALES Work involves technical discussions with plastic users. Ask for Bob Mever, Thermoset Plastics 5101 E. 65th St. 259-4161 biwn. 10am-l2noon.
MANUFACTURERS Representative needed in Indiana. Fastener manufacturer in Chicago area looking for right representation. Contact: Bob Aleo at semoiex 199 W. Diversey Elmhursl, IL 60126 312-833-2880 MAX FACTOR is looking for beau advisor 30hr per week for Ff. Harrison PX.
Write to Victoria Beckman, 5057 Scars-dale Dr. Kettering, OH 45440. OPPORTUNITY voung growing local company desires a tew marketing representatives. Part time or full time. excellent earning poiennai.
Must be honest, ambitious, but no marketing experience required. Best applicants will come from real estate, leaching, public relations and marketing fields and small business owners. a tiu- 2797 between 9 5 weekdays PARTS COUNTER SALES Largest Toyota dealer in the Slate need a Qualified Parts Counter Sales person. Excellent pay and penems CONTRACT DON POEHLfcR Butler-Welch Toyota 96th and Keystone 846-9600 PROFESSIONAL SALESMEN No credit retects-Comoany is in the 2nd decade of business. Over 13 mi ion inventory.
Average commission $500 per sale paid iimn 4H nours. we pay seiary commission. Call John Davis 632-6563 ROUTE SALES Applications are now being taken tor Route Sales position with mator snack food cq. Appiy in person at 1201 I6lh 10AM-3PM. No calls please.
MF, OE. Chesty Foods. CONFIDENTIAL The Indianapolis Star and The tnrjtanapoiis News will not disclose the name of any Number advertiser in classified. However, readers answering box number ads and desiring to protect their own identity can follow the procedure. Address your reply to the box number and enclose with a note listing the name of persons or firms you do NOT want your reply to reach.
the advertiser is anyone you've mentioned well destroy your tetter. Address your tetter to: Confidential Service Classified Advertising Incsanapoiis Star and News RN Part or fuH time charge position on tht to 7am tour of duty. Hoover wood otters (op salary an an Outstanding benefit program including a fully company paid retirement plan. We (re proud of our low license raff turnover, adequate staffing rallera and a budoet which helps us to maintain our reputation for excellence. Please call Pat Russell, RN for more into.
HOOVER WOOD 7001 Hoover Road 251-2261 RN-DAYSHIFT. No shift rotation. Flexible hours. Good pay. FuH Insurance benefits.
Rehab orientd facility. Now interviewing CaU Mr Porter or Mr Stokes at JS7-7261 tor appointment. DIRECTOR OF NURSING Position open for with heavy experience and adminislr alive and Supervisory capacity The person filtmg this position must be personally wed organized, able to organiif a large nursmg staff and able lo lead others by example and excellent verbal communication. We are a 223 bed skilled nursing facility in the Beech Grove -area with emphasis on rehabilitation. Your nursing ad rmnis trail ve staff writ Include an Assistant tn -Service Di rector.
Medical Secretary. Head Nurses, and an evening and night house supervisor II vour interests are strong leadership, and good genetrtc care please can or send resume to Ben Harlan, Founieinview Place S3S3 Raymond, 353-801S RN Ftl time or part time 7-3. Supervisory experience preferred. Porticipote in on ongoing patient problem oriented health-core planning team. Salary commensurate with exp.
Excellent benefits. Contort Doug Garcia at 353-9465 for on interview. RNLPN Small nursina homeeverv week' end or every other weekend days. Contact Mrs. Hurst, DON, Weslview Nursing Home, 5435 38th St, 7V3-Z266.
RN'S for private duty work Available ail shifts. Registry of Private Duty Nurses, 923-8640. RN'sWs Need I RN, 7-3 shlff, to act as Head Nurse and LPN's for 3-ll and 11-7 for charge position. We have rust revised our wage scale significantly, ine kn position on days pays up to 17 and LPN's up to 5.75. If you would like to torn our prosgressive team in demanding, but rewarding posi hon of leadership, please can Pat cram FOUNTAINVIEW PLACE 3S3-8015 RN'SLPN'S Northslde rehabilitation facility for the young handicapped now has a position on the evening and night shift available Nurses with the appropriate background win find opportunities most rewarding.
Please arrange an interview by contacting. DON. New Hope Foundation of Indiana. 797-4210. ROUTE MAN For Northeast 787-2238.
SALAD GIRL Full time day shift. Apply in person 2-Spm, ask for Chet Michael Clark ADAMS RIB 40 S. Main, Zionsvttle 873-3301 SALAD PREP-PANTRY Position open for person expert tn banquet salad prep and working salad pantry tor lunch. Excellent company benefits. Applications bv appointment.
Contact: Fred Manthev, 10 am to 5 om, Tues thru 846-2588. Woodland Country Club off 116in 6. Keystone. Excellent Part Time money in vour spare time. Phone 299-0648 SALES PERSON For A Coreer as a life insurance agent.
Guaranteed up to $1500 per month during training period if qualified. Permanent position. All fringe beneftis. MONUMENTAL LIFE INS CO. 547-4868 SALES PEOPLE lull lima.
CALL 359-5441 FOR APPT. SALFS TRAINEE POSITION AT WISH-TV Candidates need not have any broadcasting experience, however, pan eoertence win be helpful. We sek a person who has shown initiative and enterprise his her previous or current work, and who can perform eauallv well with or without direct Supervision Salary negotiable Eoual OpnortiViily. Contact Joe Tonsmg, at WiHTV, 1M Meridian. 974 4311.
SECRETARY-PFCFPTIftNlvr NW side ins. aov: Phone, dicta tion, no shorthand, errands. Exp. nec oirwpm, own car Ziy-47W. SECRETARY for one girl office.
General cleri cal duties, no shorthand. Salary negonaoie. bu our Dan Northeast. IMMEDIATE OPENING. Seeking responsible well organized person for varied duties.
3-5 years experience. Duties Include typing, phone, statistical and special protects. Report to Executive VP. Send resume to AHC 350 lbtn it. inopis ino win ah: R.D.W.
LEGAL SECRETARY Experience preferred. 639-5161. MEDICAL SECRETARY Primary responsibility typing re search papers using technical scientific terminology, scientific background recommended. CeH WO-MJ6. MEDICAL SECRETARY Orthopedic Surgeon, experience reauired.
medical onice ex per ience helpful, good salary and benefits. Send resume to: Slar and News Box N-i3 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for full time Security Officer s. Experience and oun permit pre ferred, a am to 4 pm. two 46tn si suite Sentry Security Systems PART TIME SECURITY OFFICERS for weekends, nights and holi days, a to 16 hours per ween Must have phone, car, clean police record. Accepting applica tion two 46 si suite a.
Sentry Security Systems. UNITED Oik SERVICE We are accepting applications for Manager and Asst Manager Trainees. Gas and oil saws only. No mechanical experience reauired. Paid training and vaca tion Insurance orooram available.
Applicants must be 2) years oid and present neat appearance. Apply in person. Bam-1 moon. UNITED (ML SERVICE 3501 S. EAST STREET 2402 N.
MERIDIAN 3540 W. 30TH STREEET 7169 ROCKVILLE ROAD SERVICE STATION ATTEN DANT: Applications now beim accepted for full and part lime neip, tun oeneins, oppiv in person: Golden Imperial Service Station, 7054 N. Michigan Rd. SERVICE STATION MAN DAY SHIFT, FULL TIME Musi have service station exper ience ana references. Rll I tNYDFR MARATHON 116th Keystone 846-9033 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS NORTH SIDE Due to Increased availability of gasoline, we have increased our hours and now have five (5) part time positions and 3 full time positions available at our north side SheU Station.
For interesting work either nights, mornings, afternoons or weekends, come by 46h and Illinois (behind the tovernors house), or call Rick Gaston at 783-8133 for an appointment. Women are encouraged to apply. SNELLING SNELLING 9000 Keystone Crossing 844-4410 Licensed Employment Agency SNELLING 8. SNELLING 5610 Crawfordsville 741-6355 Licensed Employment Agency SOCIAL WORKER MSW or BSW with experience In adoption perf erred. Pleasant atmosphere and a variety ot responsibilities.
HOMES FOR BLACK CHILDREN 545-5281. SPEECH PATHOLOGIST CCC or MA degree, call 1-288 0369 FOLDING CARTONS Supervisor for folding carton plant in Northern Indiana. Mult be experienced with Miehie cullers. Exc. pay 8, benefits.
Send replies to Star News Box N-1529. SUPERVISOR RAPIDLY EXPANDING Graphic Arts firm is looking for an experienced night supervisor. Ability to manage people and experience in computer typesetting A MUST. Formating experience a Plus. Hours 4.30 to 1 am.
Good pav and benefit package. Please reply to P. O. Box 68)04, Indpls. IN 4628.
equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED Survey Inslru-menl man and rodman. Possible out-of-fown work. SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING, 898-8282 An Equal Opportunity Employer..